Definitely a great value. If you try to buy just one or two things, you'll spend this money. But it comes with all the stuff. The restraint items worked well, my husband told me up good and it was really intense and I couldn't move at all. I was kinda worried I'd break them, they felt a smidge flimsy, but they're not
They're good. The plugs, I don't like the material, I'm wearing a condom on them. The gag is different and for when I'm bad my husband can punish me with it and toe me up lol. I've never played like this before and it's really fun, we made a safe word for in case it's a lil too fun ? . The quality of the pink wand that vibrates is really nice also. My husband likes all the rings, however, they're all the same. Just pink stretchy rings to go around. The tails my favorite and absolutely worth the money. It's a little scanty as far as fabric of the actual tail goes but the little orb for inside is a nice cute lil size that feels really right. I sew, I may add on fabric to make my tail bushy and foxy looking. My husband said it was the best sex he's ever had, he liked being in charge of me. It was erotic, I am into it too. I would def, like him to whip me with something firmer, the whip is for a beginner in this.
I just need a stretcher bar now lol, maybe a hook.... Overall, we had so much fun with this box and I would say it's worth every penny. This was such a good deal. Great gotta for your man or wife.